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BNRC and You Expand Hoosac Range Reserve for Wildlife

Posted Monday, June 1, 2020

North Berkshire County has more conserved land thanks to an acquisition in North Adams.

Connectivity between pieces of land is essential for the resiliency of plant and animal species as the climate changes. A new addition to BNRC’s Hoosac Range helps accomplish that goal.

In June of 2020, BNRC continued its partnership with the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) in conserving 45 additional acres in North Adams, bolstering the size of BNRC’s Hoosac Range reserve to nearly 1,000 acres.

Like the rest of the reserve, these two parcels, purchased from a logging company, have many delightful natural features. No BNRC trails lead directly to the new parcels—steep slopes make the land difficult to access— but the intrepid explorer will find a deep hemlocklined ravine, large rocky outcrops, and mature upland forest crisscrossed by old logging roads. DCR holds a conservation restriction over the property, while BNRC holds the fee interest, managing the land and creating public access.

Learn more about the Hoosac Range Reserve